The Lexus Urban Polo returns for 2023 showcasing Two Rivers wines.

The Lexus Urban Polo returns to Hagley Park, Christchurch on Saturday 11 February, the Auckland Domain on Saturday 11 March, and for the first time ever, the Bay Oval in Tauranga will also host the event on Saturday 1 April 2023.
As proud wine sponsor of the Lexus Urban Polo since 2019, Harriet Wadworth of Two Rivers said, “Two Rivers will be back showcasing their wine to the elite polo world for another round of energy packed events, and we couldn’t be more excited.” After 2022 events were cancelled due to Covid-19, event organisers are in full preparation mode to make 2023 events better than ever.
The Lexus Urban Polo is the only polo event in the heart of the city, providing an unforgettable day of wine, music, fashion, food and sport. The field is considerably smaller than the traditional field meaning the action is never far away from the spectator.
Simon Wilson of the Lexus Urban Polo said, “The relationship with Two Rivers began over a bottle of their Isle of Beauty Rosé and the rest is history! They provide the perfect summer wine, and matched with our premium polo event, the combo makes for an experience like no other.”
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